The Matriarchs Return
The Matriarchs Return

The Matriarchs Return: Virtual Wild Woman Studio Collective

Book your FREE 15 minute Application Interview at to join!

Hey wild woman!

Are you ready to unleash your innate creative power?

The Matriarchs Return: Virtual Wild Woman Studio Collective brings together wildly creative women to inspire and uplift each other on our creative journeys. 

This is an intentional community of wild women, radical mothers, passionate visionaries, day- dreamers, truth-seekers and life-long learners who are passionate about engaging with the creative process and cultivating authentic self-expression.

This is NOT just another bland, passive membership...

The Matriarchs Return is a community actively creating:

- A place to reflect, share and be witnessed along your life-long journey of self-discovery

- A culture where self-expression, art and beauty is honoured in reciprocity with those who create it

- A network to offer inspiration and support over the course of the ever-shifting seasons of your creative process

- A haven where anything goes, and everything can be explored, illuminated and transformed by individual and collective loving awareness

- A space where artworks of all kinds are *the result* of the transformational power of creativity, *not the objective*

- A community to celebrate the highs and lows of this wildly messy and gorgeously brilliant masterpiece we call living

What's Inside:

When you join The Matriarchs Return, you’ll get access to:

  • Artful Conversation & Forums

    • Participate in discussions dedicated to discussing everything from artistic practises, techniques, materials & media, as well as personal explorations, obstacles & breakthroughs. This consistent exchange of our experiences, discoveries & wisdom creates a powerful sense of camaraderie and support within this creative community.
  • Inspiring Sharing Circles & Artist Highlights

    • Attend weekly sharing circles and other virtual events where members have the opportunity to share ongoing creative projects, and celebrate each other's progress. This intimate engagement allows others to draw inspiration, offer reflections & constructive feedback and foster growth as we continue to unleash our true creative power. 
  • Creative Courses & Workshops:

    • Delve even deeper into the power of your innate creativity through highly tailored creative courses designed specifically to support you in cultivating your own creative practises and rhythms. Engaging with these supportive frameworks will allow you to delve even deeper into your work and create a solid foundation from which to continue to cultivate your authentic creative self-expression, enriching your personal and creative journey.


  • All members will receive:

    • An unlimited use discount code for 11% off ALL 1:1 Sessions with Meghan including Creative Mentorship, Tarot Readings, Sovereign Birthkeeping & more via her website The Matriarch's Return: Birth, Art, Tarot.
    • First dibs on intimate, year-long intensive Journey Programs and other offerings with a limited number of spots available
    • Exciting rewards program for ongoing participation in the community, as well progress throughout courses, programs and personal projects that can be redeemed for discount codes, FREE Sessions & other special prizes that will continue to inspire you on your unique creative journey.


Applications for The Matriarchs Return: Virtual Wild Woman Studio Collective are now open!

Apply today and receive FREE lifetime access for a limited time when you apply by December 31st, 2023

The application process is simple. 

To Apply: 
  1. Book your 1:1 Application Interview Session with Meghan
  2. Fill out the five-question Application Form (included with your booking) ideally by the time of your call

Apply today to learn more about the vision of this community, plus share your experiences and stories around creativity, and your own creative practise(s), intentions, and dreams. 

Thank you for your interest in The Matriarchs Return: Virtual Wild Woman Studio Collective. 

It will be an honour to have you join this brand new, up and coming community of inspiring women.

Please share the invitation to join this unique network with all the other wild sisters & creative women in your life! 

As a bonus, if you AND a sister apply by December 1st, 2023 you will BOTH receive a 55% discount code applicable to ANY 1:1 Session over on my website The Matriarch's Return: Birth, Art, Tarot, applicable to ALL offerings (including Tarot readings!) which will never expire.

Follow along @thematriarchsreturn on Insta and feel free to reach out with any questions there or to [email protected]

In sisterhood,

Meghan Persephone Taylor